Tax Return service for SO/RSU/ESPP

Granted Stock Option/RSUs/ESPP are related to your Japanese Tax Return

Stock Option

A stock option is the right to purchase a company's stock at a predetermined price (the right to purchase the company's stock).


If the stock price reaches or exceeds the predetermined price, the company can earn economic profits by exercising the rights.


RSUs (Restricted Stock Units) are shares (restricted transfer shares) whose rights can be exercised by meeting certain requirements.


Only once the transfer restrictions have been lifted, such as after a certain period of employment, can rights related to the shares be exercised (i.e. economic benefits are obtained). 


ESPP (Employee Stock Purchase Plan) is an employee stock (discount) purchase plan.


Employees are given the right to purchase the company's own shares at a discounted price over a certain period of time, and by exercising this right they can acquire the company's own shares at a price lower than the market price (i.e. gain an economic benefit).

Use of tax professionals

Taxpayers can file tax returns for stock options, RSUs, ESPP, etc., themselves, but we recommend that you consider using a tax professional from the following perspective.


  • Cost-effectiveness


For those working for foreign companies, the hourly rate is high, so it is more cost-effective to ask a professional to do it for you, considering the cost of collecting information yourself and going to the tax office to prepare your tax return.


  • The hassle and risk of making an incorrect tax return


If the tax return you prepared is incorrect, you will have to respond to inquiries from the tax office and take additional steps such as submitting an amended tax return or a correction request.


In addition, if additional tax is required, late payment penalties and underreporting penalties will be imposed.


  • Tax planning and tax-saving measures


Even if your bank account balance has not increased, you will need funds to pay tax returns one after another, such as the final tax return in March, resident tax from June, and estimated tax payments in July and November, so it is necessary to know the necessary funds in advance.


In addition, you can learn what tax-saving measures other employees of foreign companies are using.


Service Flow



During your first consultation, we will organize the income you need to declare and the tax benefits you are entitled to.


Based on this organization, we will send you a list of necessary documents, so once you provide us with the necessary documents according to that list, you can leave the rest to our office, from preparing and submitting your tax return.


For most clients who hire us, the entire process of filing their tax returns takes less than an hour in total.

(excluding the consultation time)



  • Preparing and submitting income tax returns
  • Acquiring an eTax account on your behalf
  • Explanation of tax return details
  • Responding to inquiries from the tax office regarding tax return details (excluding tax investigations)


Examples of deliverables

  • Information Request Sheet(Excel)
  • SO/RSUs/ESPP salary income calculation sheet(PDF)
  • Stock transfer income calculation sheet(PDF)
  • Calculation sheet for dividend income and foreign income tax eligible for foreign tax credit(PDF)
  • Japan sourced income calculation sheet(PDF)
  • Income tax return copy(PDF)
  • Email details(PDF)
  • Payment Schedule(PDF)
  • Tax payment calculation sheet(PDF)

Many achievements

Our firm has provided tax return services related to many stock options, RSUs, and ESPP. Below are examples of Japanese corporations (including some foreign corporations) that have issued stock options, RSUs, and ESPP that we have handled.

(In alphabetical order)


Airbnb Japan株式会社、Anaplan Japan株式会社、Apple Japan合同会社、Cerence Japan株式会社、Chubb損害保険株式会社、iTunes株式会社、JFrog Japan株式会社、Maxlinear Asia Limited、OpsRamp, Inc.、POShield Ltd、Rescale Japan株式会社、SAPジャパン株式会社、Slack Japan株式会社、Snowflake合同会社、The Trade Desk Japan株式会社、UiPath株式会社、Veeva Japan株式会社、VMware株式会社、 Japan株式会社、Wolt Japan株式会社、ZVC JAPAN株式会社、アクセンチュア株式会社、アッヴィ合同会社、アドビ株式会社、アボットメディカルジャパン合同会社、アマゾンウェブサービスジャパン合同会社、アマゾンジャパン合同会社、アマゾンデータサービスジャパン合同会社、アリババクラウド・ジャパンサービス株式会社、アンシス・ジャパン株式会社、インスメッド合同会社、エコラボ合同会社、エヌエヌ生命保険株式会社、エヌビディア合同会社、エリクソン・ジャパン株式会社、オートデスク株式会社、オラクル・グローバル・サービシーズ・ジャパン合同会社、カナディアン・ソーラー・プロジェクト株式会社、株式会社セールスフォース・ドットコム、株式会社日本HP、株式会社プロロジス、グーグル・クラウド・ジャパン合同会社、グーグル合同会社、グラクソ・スミスクライン株式会社、コストコホールセールジャパン株式会社、ザイリンクス株式会社、シスコシステムズ合同会社、シュナイダーエレクトリックホールディングス株式会社、ストライプジャパン株式会社、ゼットスケーラー株式会社、タペストリー・ジャパン合同会社、チェック・ポイント・ソフトウェア・テクノロジーズ株式会社、デジタル・ジャパン・インベストメント・マネージメント合同会社、デル・テクノロジーズ株式会社、トランスファーワイズ・ジャパン株式会社、日本AMD株式会社、日本アイ・ビー・エム・ビズインテック株式会社、日本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社、日本アルコン株式会社、日本テラデータ株式会社、日本ナショナルインスツルメンツ株式会社、日本マイクロソフト株式会社、パロアルトネットワークス株式会社、ビザ・ワールドワイド・ジャパン株式会社、ピュア・ストレージ・ジャパン株式会社、ファイア・アイ株式会社、ファストリ―株式会社、フォーティネットジャパン合同会社、ブリストル・マイヤーズ スクイブ株式会社、マカフィー株式会社、ユニティ・テクノロジーズ・ジャパン株式会社、レッドハット株式会社、ロクシタンジャポン株式会社 他



This does not indicate a direct contractual relationship between the above companies and our firm.


If you have acquired or sold stock options, RSUs, ESPP, etc., we would like you to consult with us as soon as possible. Please feel free to contact us first.


Please contact us using the form.

Our office is registered on the Financial Services Agency's website as a business that can provide services in foreign languages.

【Contact form】

メモ: * は入力必須項目です

  • Nationwide and worldwide support available
  • Confidentiality is strictly observed
  • Even if you have not filed in the past, you can file voluntarily before the tax office points out anything, so please consult us if you have been bothered by something for a long time
  • Estimates are provided for those who are considering filing a tax return (including amended returns and requests for corrections) in order to organize the work content (reporting work starts from 150,000 yen (excluding tax) per year)
  • If you would like specific individual advice, there will be a time-charged consultation (15,000 yen (excluding tax) / 30 minutes)


【Book a private tax consultation】

For individual tax consultations, you can directly book a date and time via the link below (credit card payment required).